Young Peoples Mental health Report 2020
Healthwatch Warrington undertook research into the support available for children and young people around mental health and well-being. This was chosen because in Warrington the THRIVE model for young people’s mental health and well-being support was introduced in 2016 and we wanted to review how young people had experienced the access to services. In total they spoke to 119 young people.
Children and Young Peoples Mental Health Report
The feedback from the surveys suggests that young people feel that they do know where to go to get support to look after their mental well-being and that being able to go to trusted adults such as their parents or professionals within education settings is important to them. Expectations amongst young people about how to access services and the way that services will support and interact with them are high with survey respondents generally agreeing with the ‘I’ statements..
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Children and Young Peoples Mental Health Report