1. Report -

    As part of the priorities for 2021/2022 a Carers theme was chosen by the public as an important issue for Warrington. Healthwatch Warrington arranged an event, to encourage feedback from Carers on how they dealt with the COVID-19 pandemic.
  2. Report -

    With the global pandemic taking the world from normality to lockdown, we wanted to use this time to assess how changes to society and lockdown had impacted residents of Warrington in regards to their wellbeing and how they access health & social care services.
  3. Report -

    Healthwatch Warrington undertook research into maternity services and the experiences of women from Warrington who have recently given birth. The project looked at the information and support that women were given before and after the births of their babies. They did a survey to which they had 40 responses and collected 5 detailed case studies.
  4. Report -

    Healthwatch Warrington undertook research into the support available for children and young people around mental health and well-being. This was chosen because in Warrington the THRIVE model for young people’s mental health and well-being support was introduced in 2016 and we wanted to review how young people had experienced the access to services. In total they spoke to 119 young people.

  5. Report -

    Healthwatch Warrington have undertaken a project looking at the delivery of oral health support in care homes. This was highlighted as a concern for us because the Care Quality Commission (CQC) has identified the oral hygiene of care home residents, both older people and those with a learning disability, to be an issue across the country.
  6. Report -

    Healthwatch Warrington has highlighted the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on Children and Young People in Warrington. Our original report in 2020 highlighted issues with services in Warrington. Warrington and Halton Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) commissioned the more detailed report which describes young peoples' experiences throughout lockdown.
  7. Report -

    Healthwatch Warrington was initially approached by Signing Solutions to discuss the issues that the Deaf community in Warrington are experiencing with Hospital access. This was discovered via outreach and support that they are providing within the Deaf Centre. We were invited to come and speak to the Deaf community directly via focus groups which were supported by BSL interpreters.
  8. Report -

    Locally Healthwatch Warrington received feedback from the public about their experiences using women's services in Warrington. A number of themes emerged, especially around the lack of knowledge of menopausal support and choice for women. After shortlisting this priority to the public vote, we planned a women's health roadshow to expand our outreach. Also, we worked with our digital expertise and created a survey for women to identify themes around women's health services
  9. Annual Report -

    Healthwatch Warrington is proud to announce we have published our Annual Report 2022/23, containing highlights from the past year and details of the year ahead.
  10. Report -

    We received substantial feedback from Warrington residents regarding the ongoing symptoms of Long Covid. This included people saying that they were dismayed at the lack of support that was in place.
  11. Report -

    After our Priorities Survey, in which we asked local residents to rank our top 6 priorities in order of their preference, we have outlined our work plan for the top three. This work plan explores our aims, objectives and rationale.